SHS Choir Boosters

The purpose of this organization shall be to support and cooperate with the Sanderson High School Choir Director in those activities and programs identified by the Director for the Sanderson High School Choirs. This organization will also promote the choirs to our community and the state of North Carolina.

The Sanderson Choir Boosters, Inc., operates to support the education of young people at Sanderson High School through musical performance. The Choir Boosters organization supports the individual’s development of character, self-esteem, teamwork, and leadership skills. The Sanderson Choir Boosters, Inc., is a non-profit organization receiving no funding from Wake County Schools or Sanderson High School. In order to provide the supports for the Sanderson High School Choirs, the Boosters must raise their own funds. This is done with two primary goals: 1) to cover the normal operating cost of the organization and 2) to cover the capital needs of the organization.

Booster Meetings

The Band Boosters meet throughout the year in the choir room at Sanderson.
TalkingPoints messages will be sent out and meeting dates and times will be posted on the choir calendar.
This is the best place to get the most up-to-date information on schedule, budget, fair share opportunities and event details.
Everyone is welcome!

Executive Board 2022-2023

President | Vacant | no email
Vice-President |
Vacant | no email
Secretary |
Vacant | no email
Treasurer |
Brent Lancaster |
Fundraising Coordinator | Vacant | no email
Choir Trip Coordinator |
Vacant | no email
Uniform Manager |
Elsie Bishop |